Algebraic groups and group schemes

Organizers : Yassine El Maazouz and Linda Hoyer

  1. yassine [dot] el-maazouz [at] berkeley [dot] edu
  2. linda [dot] hoyer [at] rwth-aachen [dot] de

Lectures: Mondays 10:30 - 12:00 in Seminarraum 103.

Prerequisites: A fair amount of knowledge of basic algebraic geometry and commutative algebra will be assumed. We will be more or less following the book:
  1. Milne, J. S. Algebraic groups. The theory of group schemes of finite type over a field. Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 170. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017.


This seminar is meant as a venue for graduate students and postdocs in the chairs of algebra, number theory and representation theory to study and learn together through giving/attending lectures and collaborating on problems and exercises.


This reading group will take the form of weekly talks given by volunteer participants. We will also have a weekly problem set to get comfortable with the material.


  1. Springer, T. A. Linear Algebraic Groups, second ed. Modern Birkhauser Classics. Birkhauser Boston, Inc., Boston, MA, 2009.
  2. Milne, J. S. Algebraic groups. The theory of group schemes of finite type over a field. Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics, 170. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2017.
  3. Borel, A. Linear algebraic groups. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 170. 126. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991.
  4. Humphreys, J. E. Linear algebraic groups. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, No. 21. Springer-Verlag, New York-Heidelberg, 1975.


May. 08: Initial meeting
May. 15: Some "basic" algebraic geometry (Yassine)
May. 22: Introduction to the theory of schemes I (Linda)
May. 22: Introduction to the theory of schemes II (?)
May. 29: Algebric group schemes: definitions and basic properties (?)
Jun. 05: Standard examples and constructions (?)
Jun. 12:
Jun. 19:
Jun. 26:
Jul. 03:
Jul. 10:
Jul. 17:
Jul. 24: